We’re looking forward to seeing you on a Sunday morning - In person or online.

What can you expect?

  • Friendly people who are genuinely interested in getting to know you

  • An engaging message rooted in the Bible and connected to our daily lives

  • An open atmosphere filled with light and joy, where hopes, dreams and hard questions are encouraged no matter how big or small

**If you’d like a sneak preview of one of our services, you can check one out here.

How should I dress?

In whatever helps you worship comfortably. You won’t be out of place in jeans and T-shirt, dressy business-wear or anything in between.

Can I follow along?

We upload all of our worship bulletins to our website so you can easily follow along with our services. Find the bulletin you’re looking for here.

Are children welcome in worship?

All kids are encouraged to fully participate in worship, and we also have a professionally-staffed nursery for the littlest ones. If your little one just needs a break, our gathering space is joined to our worship space with full plate-glass windows & from there you can still follow our worship. The nursery is currently not staffed at this time due to COVID-19.

What kind of music can I expect?

Our worship is primarily led by organ, grand piano and voices. We sing songs out of a big red book called Evangelical Lutheran Worship but print everything else you need in worship folders. Large print & electronic versions of our worship folders are available. Our music is enriched by thousands of years of traditions, but we’re also always trying new things.

Do you have a choir?

Right now we have a men’s chorus and an adult choir. Individuals of all ages also offer special music, by themselves or in small ensembles, sometimes with instruments, sometimes with their voices, and sometimes both. All choir activities have been temporarily suspended due to COVID-19.

Do you celebrate communion?

We celebrate Communion (AKA: The Lord’s Supper or Eucharist) every week, and everyone is welcome. You don’t have to participate, but no one will be turned away. We believe that Jesus shows up in a real and tangible way with the bread, wine and grape juice we share. You or your child can also come forward to receive a blessing instead.

Do you have Sunday school?

We are now offering Sunday School options for kids, adults & everyone in between! Join us at 10:45 am following our Sunday worship service. All are welcome--even if they’re not ready to join us in worship! We constantly monitor the local Covid-19 situation to ensure all are safe.

What about online worship?

Join us live online on Sundays at 9:30am.

Follow this link for Sunday Services on Facebook Live:


You Do NOT need a Facebook account to access this link,
We will no longer use Zoom for Worship effective immediately.

What if I miss a Sunday?

Don’t worry, all of our services are recorded and available for you to watch, rewatch or browse through any time that’s convenient for you. Find services from the last month on our website here, or if you’re looking for something a bit older, you can check out our Facebook or YouTube pages.